“Daddy! I’m sorry about our fight we had” “No daddy, I’m not coming home! We had a deal Daddy! You said I could come here and find my mom!” “Dad, that not fair!” “Fine, I will pay for my own bills” “Yes I have a job” “Fine! I will find a better one” “Screw you  dad!”



I haven’t told Ezra about my deal with my Dad. I’m not sure where our relationship is going. I’m not sure if he would move back with me. If he did, would we live together? Would I move back in with my dad? He my first relationship. Does your first relationship last?  So many questions running through my head. All with no answers.

I haven’t done any research on my mom. I’m wondering if it’s the right thing to do?!?!

She left my father and me. Maybe she doesn’t want to be found.


****************************************************Later that day ********

Ezra and our friends were going out to local bar tonight. I need to cool down before trying to speak to my father again. I still have 2 months left, before I have to move back home. I have college starting in few months.


Ezra and me song few songs together. We were awful!


Autumn and Eric were laughing at how awful we were.




At this moment, I knew I was falling in love with him. He was my soul mate, and I need him more than I need to find my mom.Screenshot-58.jpg


“Thank you, I will be here every Friday”

Autumn was laughing so hard at this point. She might pee her pants…

I went sat down, while Ezra went got us drinks.



After few hours of laughing, dancing and being weirdo. It was time go home.

I had a bad feeling about something happening. I just didn’t know what it was. I know it was bad…



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